Особистісний психологічний тренінг-інтенсив для ВПО та львів’ян, які постраждали від війни.
Where: Poryad on Povitryana
When: From January 10th, twice a week
If you are a little confused in life, you don't know if you are in your place, you are afraid to do something new and you are stuck in a routine... don't worry, everything is not as scary as it seems at first glance!
We invite you to psychological personality training that will help you feel more confident!
Our training is devoted to the following topics:
- Self-identity and why it matters;
- Self-esteem
- Personal boundaries
- Self-care, the ability to hear oneself;
- How to deal with internal fears;
- Creativity as a means of self-expression;
- Communication;
- Surrounding and it's influence
- Overcoming adversity is a skill;
- Stress resistance and its role in our life.
Разом з Ольгою Личко-Парубочою – психологинею, психотерапевткою, тренеркою, практикинею NVC, координаторкою міжнародного проекту FPT в Україні – ми проведемо 10 занять, націлених на досягнення ваших омріяних цілей, пошук стабільних орієнтирів та все, аби ми впевнено йшли далі, не залежно від обставин!
We start approximately on January 10!
Чіткий розклад уточнюватиметься.
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