Ми розуміємо, що переїзд до іншого міста, особливо в умовах війни, потребує вирішення багатьох, зокрема, юридичних питань. Саме тому ми запускаємо

Free juridical consultations in Poryad Centers! 


❓ How to act in cases when you have faced theft or fraud?
❓ How to protect vulnerable groups of the community?
❓ Where do I go to reissue documents?
❓ How to protect yourself and your workplace in the conditions of war?
How to act in solving these and other questions – will advise our lawyer Maryna Vremenova!
We are waiting for you at a personal reception in one of our spaces.
How to get consultation:
– sign up online, or
– call by phone number and sign up for consultation to the closest center:
+380675223293 – Mulyarska str., 2a
+380675223313 – Povitryana Str., 88


Lviv Cultural Centre is nearby!

The goal of our project is to help those who came to Lviv as a result of the war to integrate into our city and its environment through events, consultations and other assistance ♥ 

The project “EU4ResilientRegions – Special Assistance Programme Ukraine” is co-financed by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

#ПрямуємоРазом #МіцніРегіони #поряд #ЛКЦпоряд  
