Ми розуміємо, що переїзд до іншого міста, особливо в умовах війни, потребує вирішення багатьох, зокрема, юридичних питань. Саме тому ми запускаємо
Free juridical consultations in Poryad Centers!
How to act in cases when you have faced theft or fraud?
How to act in solving these and other questions – will advise our lawyer Maryna Vremenova!
We are waiting for you at a personal reception in one of our spaces.
How to get consultation:
– sign up online, or
– call by phone number and sign up for consultation to the closest center:
+380675223293 – Mulyarska str., 2a
+380675223313 – Povitryana Str., 88
Lviv Cultural Centre is nearby!
The goal of our project is to help those who came to Lviv as a result of the war to integrate into our city and its environment through events, consultations and other assistance ♥
The project “EU4ResilientRegions – Special Assistance Programme Ukraine” is co-financed by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
#ПрямуємоРазом #МіцніРегіони #поряд #ЛКЦпоряд
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